Cycling Across The Tibetan Plateau
Spring 2019

Where Lucille has been for the past 24 hours.

Friday, May 17, 2019

May 17 - Day 13: Rest Day in Shigatse

Rest Day!  Our only rest day of the trip.  We got up early to go visit a local monastery - the Tashilhunpo Monastery.  Most of it has been rebuilt, like the city of Shightse because most of it was destroyed in the 'cultural revolution'.  The city looks new and all the buildings are similar because of this.

The monastery like most other monasteries is built into the hillside.  There are 36 buildings here, and many steps to get into the various rooms and buildings.  We were early so very few visitors, mostly Tibetans coming to worship.  So many elderly struggling up the steps to get into the buildings.  I wonder if this is a daily visit for them.

The monasteries are places of learning, and the monks that attend learn about mathematics, science, medicine as well as Buddhism.  The monks at this monastery were all working hard, sweeping the floors, wiping down surfaces, polishing the bowls that are filled with water every morning and looking at their smart phones  for the words to chant to.

There are also many scriptures.  The original ones were written using either gold or silver onto the paper, thus making them very heavy.  They are long rectangular paper stacks that are wrapped up in cloth then placed between two hardwood boards that are carved, and then each of these is placed into its own cubby.

The most exciting for us is that we were privileged to watch the monks debate.  This occurs are every monastery during lunch time.  The monks all head out and debate what they have learned.  It's very spirited  One monk will say something loudly to another, there will be a response and then there's a clap of the hands and stomping of the feet and flinging of the prayer beads around their arm.  There were about ten different groups all debating something different in the small courtyard. I took a video but I'm not sure if I can get it to post on the blog.  

The rest of the day we walked around a bit then I had a short nap before dinner.  Tomorrow is an early start....Ox - our leader - assures us that the next two days are not 'difficult' just long, but I'm anticipating to be cycling for eight hours.  So a long day for sure.  Camping tomorrow night, so maybe I'll bring my headlamp with me in case I'm really late!!

Have a great day everyone, and will try to update tomorrow.  I now have a SIM card so should be able to update.  :)

Accommodation: Hotel
Maximum Altitude: 3,852m
Sleeping Altitude: 3,852m

1 comment:

Ekim said...

Really enjoying your blog Lucille. Can’t imagine all the uphill peddling at altitude. You are a workhorse. Good on ya keep the blogs coming. Look forward to taking with you when you get back.