Cycling Across The Tibetan Plateau
Spring 2019

Where Lucille has been for the past 24 hours.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 21 - May 2


Namaste everybody. It is May 2nd., and I'm calling from outside our snow cave at Camp 1. I know it seems like we spend alot of time at Camp 1, and we have, but alot of that is because of the weather.

So, we had a really nice day today which is exactly what we wanted and needed, so that will solidify the slope going up to Camp 2 and Camp 3. There are about 25 people that have come up today from Base camp to Camp 1, and so there should be lots of people for breaking the trail up to Camp 2 tomorrow, which is really really nice. There's no way we could do it with just one or two of us.

So, we fixed up our snow cave a little bit, we went and helped the Germans build their snow cave, we went visiting a little bit, just had a really social day. So, everything is good, and we will call you tomorrow, hopefully from Camp 2.

take care everybody. Bye.

1 comment:

Claudia Kowal said...

Can't wait to see some pictures of your snow caves - they sound interesting. Good luck at Camp 2 and 3!