Cycling Across The Tibetan Plateau
Spring 2019

Where Lucille has been for the past 24 hours.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Amazing teachers and students - Trochu Valley School

Today's blog is a story about what is going on in a small town classroom. Follow along and prepare to be inspired.
Since summitting Everest two years ago I have had the privilege of speaking to hundreds of school aged children about reaching for their goals and making their own dreams a reality. The teachers that I have met along the way are all fabulous, and doing such a great job teaching and guiding our future. Not having any children of my own I have found this glimpse into the educational system a surprise. What these teachers are doing with their own imagination and experience; using their limited resources in creative ways is inpirational. All the teachers that have extended me an invitation to speak to their students are exceptional and it renews my faith that the students of today are soon to be tomorrow's leaders that are going to make positive changes in the world.

This is the story of Mrs. Schmidt and her grade three class at the Trochu Valley School. I look forward to hearing about your own journey's and what the 'summit' feels like for you.

Dear Lucille,
I have spoken to my students about your upcoming climb Lucille and how we will be modelling your efforts with the 'same' efforts in our Language Arts program for the upcoming Government tests of story writing. Let me Grade 3, I'm not sure if you know but the students are required to write 2 LA tests and 1 Math. The LA consists of a Story in mid-May and then the other two skills tests follow in June. The story writing is a big hurdle for 8 year olds, so I always try to make it as interesting, challenging, fun and educational as I get them to really "bite into" the learning process of writing a great story.
I have created a board that we will be plotting our own progress on that will match yours....for example...I have photo's of the children that I will put in an airplane....stage 1 of story writing...getting interested! They will then have to get to base camp....which will be the mastering of writing an entertaining beginning. Camp 1 will be writing a successful setting and on and on thru all the parts of the story writing process. I have photo's of them that they will be able to 'move' up the mountain as they get closer to summiting. I shared with them that you will be
attempting to summit without a sherpa or oxygen.....I will be their sherpa that they can use if they need me (and so there will be pictures of me to take with them along with their figure as they move) and the same for oxygen....a little extra help will mean they 'grab' an oxygen bottle for a section.....If all this makes sense! :)
We are hoping that we will be able to follow your progress...even though I think we will 'summit'
before you do. Along the way we also learn more about India which is in our Social studies program and so many interesting facets of life and information about different things that pop up along the way....(like last time they learned about BC as that's where Ted was going!)

Greetings Lucille...we wanted to get this to you before you leave and we know that you are BUSY! :)
So here are some photo's we have taken that show our Manaslu Story Climbing Centre. When we have "oops's" with our story writing, Mrs. Schmidt will take us off the Mountain and we will have to go to a "centre" beside it and stay there till our story or portion is fixed. (so you'll see little bits of sticky tack there that I can stick their little pictures to. We have created our own personal Sherpas and oxygen bottles and taken pictures of ourselves and they are all laminated and we are ready to "get onto the mountain. We took pictures of ourselves in "climbing" stances and as well in "victory" stances for when we summit! The mountain is going to be a busy place very very soon! At this point we are "trekking to base camp! We are all believing in you and ourselves and know that if it's possible...You will do it! And we are going to too!

Patty and the Grade 3's!

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