Cycling Across The Tibetan Plateau
Spring 2019

Where Lucille has been for the past 24 hours.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 10 - April 21

Note from Transcriber: I give up....I just cannot understand Domhnall over the sat phone. Below are the words I managed to pick out, not much I'm afraid. Let's have a contest. Can you fill in the gaps?

Hello everyone it's Domhnall and Lucille from base camp,...4,800 meters....woke up ....which is really nice .... moraine...4,800 meters in base camp.

Base camp is set up really nicely, its got a good dining tent, and a couple of cooking tents.....frying pans.

We had good weather this morning.....afternoon....afternoon and the evening....face tomorrow. We might go for a walk if it clears up the weather might be clearing up, we'll see.....between us ......... .....1:00....5,700...but we might not, depending on what weather comes along...we'll do fine....pretty much... ...base camp......everybody else.

This is Domhnall and Lucille signing off.

Here is Jennifer's interpretation.

Hey everyone it's Domhnall and Lucille from base camp 21st ?april? 4800 metres. today's the first day we woke up (without??? in 5 days) OR (chipper?..) in 5 days which is really nice...? serac? moraine... 4800 metres in base camp.

Base camp is set up really nicely, it's got a good dining tent they've put up a couple of ?sleeping/cooking? tents which is great. ?all set up? and unpacked. and we had good weather this morning and the afternoon... we've had probably about 10 cm of ??graupel? over the course of the afternoon and the evening. we"ll have to see what that brings tomorrow. we might go for a walk if it clears up, the weather might be clearing up ...?graupel?... gets pretty breezy/crazy.... camp 1 at 5700 but we might not depending on what brings tomorrow

and yup, we'll do fine and that's pretty much it from camp 1, oh not camp 1, base camp. hope all is good with everybody else and this is domhnall and lucille signing off.

And finally, here is Domhnall's Sister Brighid's interpretation.

Hey everyone it's Domnhall and Lucille from basecamp, 23 April at 4800 m. Today's our first day here?,,.,we woke up, today we got chips? and fried ? which was really nice

It's nice and peaceful and quiet here, we're up on the moraine at 4800 m at basecamp

Basecamp's set up really nicely, it's got a good dining tent, it's got a kind of like a couple of ?? tents which is great. ,,, ??check out the frying pans??(!)

and we had good weather this morning, but snowing this afternoon, we've had probably about 10 cm of clean? snow and grapple? over the course of the afternoon & the evening... we'll have to see about things tomorrow, we might go for a walk if it clears up, the weather might be clearing up...we'll see what......we may wander up to 5700m, but we might not, depending on what the wind's? doing tomorrow.

Other than that we're all doing fine. and that's pretty much it from camp 1, or not camp 1 sorry!....hope all's good with everyone else, this is Domhnall and Lucille signing off

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