Cycling Across The Tibetan Plateau
Spring 2019

Where Lucille has been for the past 24 hours.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bastion School in Salmon Arm B.C.

Thank you to the grade 5 students of Bastion School for being such gracious hosts today. I presented a slide show of my trip and everyone was great, asking super questions. I had a great time. Remember to follow your dreams.

Merçi beaucoup à tous les étudiants de l'école Bastion à Salmon Arm. J'ai fait une présentation de mon sommet du mont Everest aujourd'hui et tous les étudiants ont participé avec des très bonnes questions. N'oubliez pas de suivre vos rêves.


CindyT said...

Hey Lucille! We have all been waiting patiently (or not so patiently for some of us...) to see you again - AND to see your slide show, hear your stories, etc... How are you adjusting back to reality???? Hope to see you real soon!!

Anonymous said...

Peak Freaks is an awesome company... they are so responsible on the mountain and I am so impressed by their reporting regarding the status, safety, and their care for the Sherpas who look after everyone on the mountain, and the mountain itself. I am giving a "Shout Out" for Peak Freaks ! YAYYYYY!
Annette deBeaudrap